General Manager of Logo TurkeyLOGO YAZILIM
30 Years
Company Offical: Akın Sertcan / General Manager of Logo Turkey
Gebze Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Şahabettin Bilgisu Caddesi, Numara 609 Gebze 41400 / Kocaeli / Türkiye
Logo, Türkiye’s largest domestic business software company, has been operating as one of the sector’s leading companies since its establishment in 1984. Developing corporate business software improving productivity and profitability, Logo supports the sustainable success of businesses of all sectors and all sizes, from micro-scale to corporate structures, with its end-to-end products and services. Logo contributes to the digitalization of the IT ecosystem and the economy. It lays the groundwork for sustainable success by accompanying the growth journey of many companies in more than 44 countries with more than 1,500 employees and over 1,000 business partners in 7 locations in 4 countries. The company has adopted a fair and transparent management approach. As the first IT company to go public on Borsa Istanbul in 2000, Logo has a free-float rate of 66% as of the end of 2022. Logo maintains its presence internationally with its responsible and efficient solutions offered with its R&D and innovation power and investments in Romania and India, in addition to its operations in Turkey.
Enterprise Resource Planning
Payroll and Human Resources Management
Business Analytics Solutions
Customer Relationship Management
Warehouse Management System
Field Sales Management
Workflow Management
Document Management
Treasury Management
B2B Management
Certified Ecosystem Solutions
Retail Solutions
OHS-Occupational Health and Safety
SME Solutions
Digital Transformation Services
Industries Served: Glass-cement and earth products Distribution and wholesale trade Education Electricity and electronics e-Commerce Finance-Insurance Food Aviation Construction Chemistry Machine and parts manufacturing Media-communication and publishing Metal products Automotive and automotive supply industry Retail trade Health-sports Agricultural products-livestock Textile, garment and leather production Telecommunications Tourism Food and beverage services