

Foundation Date:


Membersip Class :


Membersip Date :

4 Years


Company Offical: Esra Koç / Marketing Manager

Dudullu OSB Mah, Des-2 Cad. BÜDOTEK Teknopark Binası Apt. No: 8/66 34776 İstanbul Türkiye

+90 216 456 0276

esra.koc@netoloji.com - info@netoloji.com

Netoloji Yazılım is a software company established in Ankara Technopark in 2011 operating mainly in process management and document management, with its headquarters currently located in İstanbul BUDOTEK Technopark where the entire operation, R&D and support is managed. Netoloji also has an office in Chicago, USA. Netoloji continues operations with more than 150 competent business partners in Turkey and in over 50 countries worldwide. Netoloji has more than 700 customers of all sizes drawn from numerous different industries.

The main products are E-Flow BPM - process management and E-Flow DMS - document management system applications. With its local production licence in Turkey, E-Flow is a no-code platform and ensures all business processes are managed quickly and effectively, regardless of location, thanks to its user-friendly interface and advantages of dragand- drop technology. Some of the features of E-Flow are: ease of use, direct integration with other applications used in the organization, web and mobile compatibility, availability as on-premise and as SaaS. The common advantages enjoyed by all companies, which digitize their processes with E-Flow include;

Increased efficiency

Increased speed


On-Time Completion of Tasks

Ability to monitor all company processes from a single point

Instant reporting

Since the processes can be designed without coding, teams of the organizations can implement all business processes they are in need of. Therefore, those with the Global E-Flow Designer Licence can align their personal career goals in this direction.

